The Liebster Award is a fun way to recognise and promote new up and coming blogs. To accept your award you should thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog. Thank you Amy (!


Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog here – done
2. Display the award on your blog – done
3. Answer the questions provided by the person who nominated you on your blog – below
4. Provide 11 facts about yourself – below
5. Nominate other new blogs who you think deserves the award and want to be recognized – I nominate:

6. Create a new list of questions for the bloggers to answer and inform them that they have been nominated – below

Amy’s questions: 

1. What’s your favourite makeup product you’ve used so far this year? – Clinique Pop Lip Colour and Primer in Sweet Pop
2. Why did you start your blog? – I love writing and beauty so I combined the two
3. What’s your favourite quote? – Work hard, play harder 
4. Do you have any guilty pleasures? – Too many, Dinner Date on ITV is the worst one I think
5. 3 favourite bloggers? – Hannah Gale, Christine and Jess 
6. What’s your favourite type of blog post to read? – skincare and make up advice
7. Favourite location to visit? – London because I know it really well but at the same time there is always something new and exciting
8. Do you blog full-time? If not, do you want to in the future? – No, this is my hobby and I intend to keep it that way. Future will tell though but my day job is far from beauty or writing / PR so I don’t think it can turn into full-time thing 

11 facts about myself: 

  1. I am 26 this year, getting old.
  2. I work as compliance officer for a cruise ship company
  3. I speak 4 languages
  4. I am the only child
  5. I LOVE dogs and can’t wait to buy a house so I can have one
  6. I have never been outside Europe but I am going to States this summer
  7. I am scared of flying
  8. I used to row competitively
  9. I am going to see Beyonce live in July (not a fact about myself really but I am super excited)
  10. I don’t like watching TV and fall asleep when I do
  11. I go to bed at 21:00 most nights

My questions for the nominees: 

  1. What is one make up item you couldn’t live without?
  2. What are your 3 favourite blogs/bloggers?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. Are you vegetarian or vegan?
  5. Do you exercise, if so what type of sport / activity is your favourite?
  6. What is your evening and morning skincare routine?
  7. Is blogging your hobby or job?
  8. What type of industry are you in your job/studies?
  9. What is your most recommended beauty / skincare / make up trick?
  10. Do you talk about your blog with your ‘real life’ friends ?

Thank you again Amy for nominating me. Like Amy I don’t mind if anyone else wants to answer any of her or my questions.


Mari x

Friday feeling

Tonight’s post doesn’t have a topic really. Not my style but we all have those few things that don’t belong anywhere so they go into the ‘bits’ drawer. And tonight I have blog bits that don’t go in the standard drawers so I am going to leave them all here.



First of all, if you remember my ‘Nothing new for 30 days challenge’ – I am not so proud to say it failed. I lasted about 10 days and I was really feeling it for those 10 days. I had a bit of money in my account half way through the month (not the case usually), I was using up samples/products from beauty boxes which is oddly satisfying – getting rid of empty tubes and jars. I was enyoing the ‘cleanse’ and making wish lists for when I am allowed to spend money again but I think be it 10 days or 30 days I would have gone out and bought lots of things I’d seen eventually. Lesson learnt is to spend less in general because I really don’t NEED anything new and everything in moderation is the key they say! However, doing 30 days of no shopping or no anything straight will just make the ‘forbidden fruit’ bigger and more expensive in the end. We are a consumerist society and everything these days is fairly cheap and disposable so buying new things is addictive but I think switching your sustainable brain on sometimes is really healthy. I am a great believer that every little helps. I am not a vegan but every time I choose not to eat meat and substitute with veg I help a little, same with cheap disposable fashion that often isn’t sustainable. I am learning to be more aware of these things including cruelty-free cosmetics and I think that’s where the society is going in general and next generation won’t know any other way and WILL question everything. I think we should all buy less new things, recycle more  and stop hoarding. I am not doing 30 days no shopping challenge again but I am more aware of what I buy and what I actually need and even more so – what I will wear / use after buying it. Don’t know about you but I have clothes in my wardrobe that still have tags on them and I have lots of unopened beauty products! I am all up for treating ourselves but let’s all be a bit more sensible. That’s that finally off my chest, in case you wondered where all my new bits on Instagram are coming from.

Secondly, I have been thinking a lot about blogging world recently and I have even toyed with the idea of deleting my blog. This is something I have done at least 3 times in the past but to be honest none of my previous blogs had a theme nor was I investing time in them. This time, seeing that 86 people have visited my blog, 10 are following it, I have 190 Twitter followers (I had under 50 two months ago) and I have just started building up my Instagram profile I decided against deleting it. Those numbers might be nothing for some but they are big for a girl who just likes to write from her bedroom. I love writing but I sometimes wonder if it’s worth it in the world of beauty bloggers who have anything from 1k – 100k followers! I am not trying to be like them and I have mentioned before that I want this to remain a hobby but like with anything unless you can give it 100% it won’t succeed. I give this blog my 95% I would say because I have a full time job and I don’t really discuss my blogging with friends (I like keeping my blog away from my everyday life and if people find out about it I let them but I don’t ask my friends to read it or promote it). I would love to invest in camera and lights and improve my photography and I would love to be able to attend more events and get involved in blogger chats but the reality is – this is just a hobby and my day job is what I invest most of my time in and I can’t justify spending money on my blog (not yet anyway). So I have been thinking – can I maintain this with 200 Twitter followers and under 50 blog visitors per month? I personally don’t care about numbers but I fear that people won’t read my blog because they will see that only 190 people follow me on Twitter. I have only just started and I am not expecting publicity, I just want my blog to reach more people because the 95% I do invest in it are genuine reviews and honest advise. I will carry on for now and hopefully I don’t have my doubts again any time soon.

Last but not least, I have been doing a spring clear out and will be putting some stuff up on eBay this weekend (hopefully) so I will post links and if you are looking for a bargain (clothes, make up etc) please feel free to bid.

Lots of love,

Mari x


During a month of ‘nothing new’ or ‘no shopping’ (read more here) I feel like I have time and inspiration to very honestly answer one simple question – why beauty?


There are so many beauty bloggers (or #bbloggers) out there. There are also many other bloggers / vloggers, and Internet generally in this day and age has become a place to express yourself. Social media is very powerful, to say the least. Something happens on ‘This Morning’ – a TV show not many people I know watch because they are generally at work, yet everybody knows about it in an instant, we all suddenly have an opinion on it and social media is buzzing with hashtags that within minutes become some sort of a code. (Yes, I am referring to Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield coming in drunk after NTAs).

Social media can also be a nuisance at times. But I like social media and I support social media by having Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram accounts. Some of which I keep for my friends and family, others I like to be public and a place to express myself. Some might argue that social media is changing the society for the worst but I think with a sensible head on your shoulders social media is fun! I think there are too many things we can’t control and life can be very unexpected and unfair. I know this too well because 4 years ago I lost my mother. We can treat ourselves like some afterthought, we can spend our time and energy on getting involved in politics, we can moan about what this world has become, we can curse over terrorism and live in fear. And in my sole opinion, that’s exactly what too many people do a lot of the time. We then add social media to the list of ‘awful things’ happening. I say – embrace it! We live in a crazy world and it is important we don’t forget to mind our own business but everything in moderation is the key. I read a lot of things online and I disagree with many, but many other things inspire me. I don’t feel the need to comment on everything. I do however feel very fortunate to have access to the Internet and to be able to openly talk about whatever I want. My grandparents couldn’t speak their own language in their own home during WW2. How’s that for an ‘awful thing’?

Beauty to many people is superficial and not everyone will agree with my phylosophy about being a #bblogger but making everybody agree is not my goal.

We all know it and I don’t want to dwell on it but there are people who blog because it is ‘cool’ and many people fake it until they make it. I too wouldn’t decline an offer to cooperate with a business / other bloggers if I was approached but only if I agreed with their culture and ways of working and everybody remained in the partnership for the right reasons. But more often than not many bloggers these days get carried away with ‘fame’ and unrealistic Instagram lives. It’s unfortunate to think that some people try so hard to succeed at something they have no real passion for. There are also people who make living out of blogging and have passion for what they write/do and I salute them. But that’s the beauty of Internet – there are many good things on it and many fake, obnoxious things that you have to filter through. I love writing and I could be blogging about many many things. Fashion, books, fitness, travel, politics, religion, economy, soul searching, you name it. Many of those are rather ‘deep’ and ‘heavy’ topics. I don’t want to force myself to write about current affairs and I don’t necessarily want to put my opinions on those topics out there for a public discussion. I am a believer in ‘minding your own space, business and life in general’. Opinions and discussions online can become overwhelming. Often, people become courageous because they are hiding behind their laptops. Danger zone, if you ask me. I avoid news actually. There are lot of bad things going on in the world and most are out of my control. I am here to live the best life I can, respect those around me and make the most out of it really. I like to feel good about myself and I am grateful that I can access and afford many things my parents and grandparents didn’t have. That includes many beauty products, clothes, kitchen appliances, holidays, cars, quality food and nail/hair appointments. Some might argue they are materialistic things but life hands everyone a set of cards and it’s up to us how we play them. I live a normal but also very fortunate life, I work hard, I respect and love people around me, I don’t do things in excess. I play it safe most of the time actually. Being able to buy beauty products I want means a lot to me but if I woke up tomorrow and had to give it up I would still be grateful for my health, my friends, family and roof over my head. The key is – being able to tell the difference between what means a lot to you as ‘feel good’ factor and what truly means a lot to you. And let’s not wait until we might loose it all to appreciate what we have! There are likewise many things I can’t afford and it’s fine. Everybody has a hobby. Be it golf, travelling, knitting or cooking. I have a few hobbies, some more long-term, others are type of hobbies I just dip in and out of.

But beauty is my true gateway. It’s easy, it doesn’t cause controversial opinions. It is not my day job and I don’t want it to be. I don’t want my blog to become my career. I want it to remain easy-to-read and easy-to-write. I don’t have to force it because I love my beauty products, I enjoy learning new things about make up, I love trying new things and I love telling others about my experiences. I would like it to reach as many ears (or eyes) as possible because I am proud of what I write and I put time and effort into my posts. I also read articles about how to improve my blog because I want to be the best I can at whatever I do. I see many blogs out there with the same passion and investment as mine and it makes me happy. It is not a competition. And beauty / fashion / food blogs are gateway for many. They too have opinions on politics, religion and global warming. But don’t judge a book by its cover. If everybody was writing about their deepest thoughts and feelings it would probably make the Internet a very depressing place with nothing easy, cheerful and fun to read. Which foundation is my favourite isn’t what my life revolves around. Far from it, in fact. And that’s the main reason I talk beauty – to get away from bigger things going on day in and day out, good and bad. My life revolves around everything else but what make up to wear, that’s just a small part of who I am, what I enjoy and one of many things I’m grateful for.

I hope you enjoy my blog & I want you to know real reason behind it. Thank you for reading.


Mari  xx