The Liebster Award is a fun way to recognise and promote new up and coming blogs. To accept your award you should thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog. Thank you Amy (!


Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog here – done
2. Display the award on your blog – done
3. Answer the questions provided by the person who nominated you on your blog – below
4. Provide 11 facts about yourself – below
5. Nominate other new blogs who you think deserves the award and want to be recognized – I nominate:

6. Create a new list of questions for the bloggers to answer and inform them that they have been nominated – below

Amy’s questions: 

1. What’s your favourite makeup product you’ve used so far this year? – Clinique Pop Lip Colour and Primer in Sweet Pop
2. Why did you start your blog? – I love writing and beauty so I combined the two
3. What’s your favourite quote? – Work hard, play harder 
4. Do you have any guilty pleasures? – Too many, Dinner Date on ITV is the worst one I think
5. 3 favourite bloggers? – Hannah Gale, Christine and Jess 
6. What’s your favourite type of blog post to read? – skincare and make up advice
7. Favourite location to visit? – London because I know it really well but at the same time there is always something new and exciting
8. Do you blog full-time? If not, do you want to in the future? – No, this is my hobby and I intend to keep it that way. Future will tell though but my day job is far from beauty or writing / PR so I don’t think it can turn into full-time thing 

11 facts about myself: 

  1. I am 26 this year, getting old.
  2. I work as compliance officer for a cruise ship company
  3. I speak 4 languages
  4. I am the only child
  5. I LOVE dogs and can’t wait to buy a house so I can have one
  6. I have never been outside Europe but I am going to States this summer
  7. I am scared of flying
  8. I used to row competitively
  9. I am going to see Beyonce live in July (not a fact about myself really but I am super excited)
  10. I don’t like watching TV and fall asleep when I do
  11. I go to bed at 21:00 most nights

My questions for the nominees: 

  1. What is one make up item you couldn’t live without?
  2. What are your 3 favourite blogs/bloggers?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. Are you vegetarian or vegan?
  5. Do you exercise, if so what type of sport / activity is your favourite?
  6. What is your evening and morning skincare routine?
  7. Is blogging your hobby or job?
  8. What type of industry are you in your job/studies?
  9. What is your most recommended beauty / skincare / make up trick?
  10. Do you talk about your blog with your ‘real life’ friends ?

Thank you again Amy for nominating me. Like Amy I don’t mind if anyone else wants to answer any of her or my questions.


Mari x

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